KIBEG process

Die Aargauer Verwaltungsreformatoren

KIBEG process – getting started


KIBEG process is needed to bill and authorize the support service of child daycare provided by the municipality.


  • Sign up for a developer account (If you already signed up, sign in here)
  • Get subscription key from sign up account
  • Register Application
  • 3rd party software or webservice available to receive API calls

Business case description

To bill the monthly contribution of child daycare the client logs in at the portal with their AHVN13 and the given registration credentials. After the service "Subvention KiBeG abrechnen" has been called up, personal information such as name, address and contact details are retrieved from the database of the specialist solution and displayed. The client can manually adjust the contact details here and return them to the specialist solution. The possible attributes are:

  • email address
  • phone number (private)
  • phone number (business)
  • phone number (mobile)

In addition, the client is shown a list of the valid subsidy orders with the respective amount that can still be billed. If a credit is still available, an input window can be opened by clicking on the button "Abrechnen" to submit a settlement.

The following data fields must be filled in for this:

  • amount (of money)
  • period from
  • period to

With the upload button "Einzahlungsbeleg" the necessary document that proof, the bill has already been paid to the daycare, can be attached. After the user submitted the values, the system checks if the given balance is within the available amount. If not, the request will be rejected and the process is finished. The system routes it to a control task, where the employee simply checks if the announced receipts are completely and must decide if a payment is possible or not. If the payment is possible, it will be approved and forwarded with a payment file. If not, the employee must get in touch with the client to clarify further steps. If possible, they adjust the payout amount and forward it to the payment file as well. All the receipts and the payment file will be uploaded and forwarded to the 3rd party software, where the payment will be triggered and the document “Einzahlungsbeleg” filed.

Sequence Diagram

Start / Passing Kibeg tasks to Fit4Digital

In this step, Fit4Digital platform creates an event kibeg.initiated.
The client kicksoff the process by logging in to the portal.

How to integrate an kibeg.initated event

  • Configure a webhook for the kibeg.initiated event.
  • Find the API to create,retrieve and update webhooks here.
  • Available variable:
  • ahvnumber
  • When the system creates the event kibeg.initiated, the above webhook will be executed.
  • In the response to the webhook API call, the requested kibeg data can be passed back.
  • Find more information about the call back here.
  • The response should be in thefollowing JSON format:
  • Find more information about the call back here.

 "status": "OK",
"errormsg": "",
"dossierid": "3121",
"lastname": "Fuchsia-Rot",
"firstname": "Anna",
"birthday": "14.05.1981",
"telephoneprivate": "062 111 22 77",
"telephonebusiness": "+41 62 444 55 66",
"telephonemobile": "+41 79 111 22 33",
"email": "",
"street": "Sonnenstrasse",
"streetnr": "24",
"zip": "5600",
"city": "Lenzburg 1",
"cases": [
    "caseId": "11759",
    "area": "Subventionen KiBeG",
    "beginn": "01.08.2020",
    "end": "",
    "responsibleperson": "09 Mitarbeiter",
    "outstandingamount": "2704"
    "caseId": "11879",
    "area": "Subventionen KiBeG",
    "beginn": "01.10.2019",
    "end": "31.07.2020",
    "responsibleperson": "04 Mitarbeiter",
    "outstandingamount": "4645"

Passing Kibeg update tasks to Fit4Digital

After the client entered the needed receipts and values, the Fit4Digital platform creates an event kibeg.update.

How to integrate an kibeg.updated event

  • Configure a webhook for the kibeg.updated event.
  • Find the API to create,retrieve and update webhooks here.
  • Available variables:
  • ahvnumber
  • When the system creates the event kibeg.updated, the above webhook will be executed
  • Find more information about thecall back here
  • The response expected:
  • None

Passing Kibeg service billing tasks to Fit4Digital

In this step, Fit4Digital platform creates event kibeg.postcaseperiod.
The client kicks off the process by submit the period of billing.

How to integrate an kibeg.postcaseperiod event

  • Configure a webhook for the kibeg.postcaseperiod event.
  • Find the API to create,retrieve and update webhooks here.
  • Available variables:
  • doessierid
  • caseid
  • amount
  • datestart
  • dateend
  • document (base64 encoded PDF file of the uploaded receipt)
  • When the system creates theevent kibeg.postcaseperiod, the above webhook will be executed.
  • Find more information about thecall back here
  • The response expected:
  • None

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